Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Erased by a Tornado! (Disaster Survivors) by Jessica Rudolph

Erased by a Tornado! (Disaster Survivors) by Jessica Rudolph

Erased by a Tornado! (Disaster Survivors)

Erased by a Tornado! (Disaster Survivors) by Jessica Rudolph PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

On February 5, 2008, a powerful tornado ripped through Jackson, Tennessee, leveling everything in its path. Dangerous and unpredictable, tornadoes are monster storms that can strike without warning. With little time to find shelter, how would residents of Jackson survive the storm? Eyewitness accounts and incredible photos bring to life the experiences of ordinary people who faced catastrophic danger-and lived to tell their stories. Kids will discover the causes and characteristics of tornadoes and learn about scientific advances in storm prediction. Safety tips show young readers what to do in case a tornado hits.

From reader reviews:

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Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty by Imbert de Saint-Amand

Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty by Imbert de Saint-Amand

Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty

Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty by Imbert de Saint-Amand PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Throughout history, a countless number of historical figures have had their lives overshadowed by the myths and legends that surround them to the extent that their legacy comes to define them. In French history, this is truer of Marie Antoinette than just about everyone else. Nearly 220 years after she was put to the guillotine, Marie Antoinette is more famous than ever, fairly or unfairly coming to epitomize royalty and everything that was wrong with it. As the youngest daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor, 14 year old Marie’s marriage to the eventual Louis XVI made her Dauphine, and it initially seemed like a good fit. The charming and beautiful young girl pleased the French, but she had the misfortune of being queen at a time when the French were beginning to sour on their royalty and aristocratic classes. On top of that, France’s participation in the American Revolution had left the nation broke, which only angered those who watched the King and Queen spend millions of livres for their own comfort at the expense of the state. Though Marie Antoinette was hardly the only French royal who liked to live lavishly, the French were particularly scornful of her, possibly due to her Austrian ancestry. As France slid toward its own Revolution, rumors and innuendo against the queen took hold, and she was accused of being promiscuous and even defrauding a jeweler in what became known as the “Diamond Necklace Affair”. Though the rumors had no basis in truth, they were widely accepted and eventually used as partial justification for her execution. By 1792, with the Revolution in full swing, the Royal Family’s attempt to escape Paris was thwarted, and in January 1793, Louis XVI lost his head at the hands of the Jacobins. With her own health failing, the Queen herself was tried the following October, accused of sexually abusing the sickly Dauphin. Given that she had spent the last few years of her life carefully doting on her children at the expense of almost everything else, it was a particularly heinous accusation. On October 16, 1793, Antoinette herself was executed at the guillotine. Since her death, Marie Antoinette has been the subject of sharp historical debate over whether she was actually a catalyst in the French Revolution or simply an insignificant scapegoat who was unfairly made a target. At the same time, the one thing everybody associates with Antoinette is the phrase “Let them eat cake”, a spoiled and ignorant comment supposedly made in response to being informed that the peasants had no bread. While that phrase has been used far and wide to depict someone as being out of touch, there’s no indication Antoinette ever said anything like it. Nevertheless, she remains a pop culture fixture across the West, perceived just as negatively in death as she was in life.

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Kenneth Roberts:

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Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Competency Check-Off Guides: Building Confidence Through Core Competency Checklists by Kris Hardy CMA (AAMA) CDF RHE AS

Competency Check-Off Guides: Building Confidence Through Core Competency Checklists by Kris Hardy CMA (AAMA) CDF RHE AS

Competency Check-Off Guides: Building Confidence Through Core Competency Checklists

Competency Check-Off Guides: Building Confidence Through Core Competency Checklists by Kris Hardy CMA (AAMA) CDF RHE AS PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An invaluable assessment tool and additional teaching tool for the MA instructor! The text takes a hands-on approach that allows students to build confidence as they master each competency, step-by-step. The competency guides are designed to be used as stand-alone assessment tools or as a supplement to a core MA text.

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Read Competency Check-Off Guides: Building Confidence Through Core Competency Checklists by Kris Hardy CMA (AAMA) CDF RHE AS for online ebook

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Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards, Math, G3 by Crosswalk

Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards, Math, G3 by Crosswalk

Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards, Math, G3

Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards, Math, G3 by Crosswalk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Book by Crosswalk

From reader reviews:

Benny Joiner:

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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Advanced Calculus, Third Edition by R. Creighton Buck

Advanced Calculus, Third Edition by R. Creighton Buck

Advanced Calculus, Third Edition

Advanced Calculus, Third Edition by R. Creighton Buck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

New publisher! Corrected version! Demonstrating analytical and numerical techniques for attacking problems in the application of mathematics, this well-organized, clearly written text presents the logical relationship and fundamental notations of analysis. Buck discusses analysis not solely as a tool, but as a subject in its own right. This skill-building volume familiarizes students with the language, concepts, and standard theorems of analysis, preparing them to read the mathematical literature on their own. The text revisits certain portions of elementary calculus and gives a systematic, modern approach to the differential and integral calculus of functions and transformations in several variables, including an introduction to the theory of differential forms. The material is structured to benefit those students whose interests lean toward either research in mathematics or its applications.

From reader reviews:

Teresa Ealy:

In this 21st one hundred year, people become competitive in most way. By being competitive now, people have do something to make these people survives, being in the middle of often the crowded place and notice by simply surrounding. One thing that at times many people have underestimated this for a while is reading. Yep, by reading a reserve your ability to survive boost then having chance to stand than other is high. For yourself who want to start reading the book, we give you this Advanced Calculus, Third Edition book as starter and daily reading reserve. Why, because this book is usually more than just a book.

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PDF⋙ Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging by Wallace Miller

Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging by Wallace Miller

Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging

Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging by Wallace Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A detailed, pattern-based approach to abdominal imaging interpretation

Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging provides a comprehensive review of abdominal diseases based on pattern recognition. Utilizing more than 2,300 images, the book includes discussions of the x-ray, sonographic, CT, MRI, and nuclear radiology features of abdominal diseases. Since accurate imaging diagnosis of diseases can only be achieved with the appropriate clinical history, the characteristic clinical presentations of abdominal diseases are discussed in conjunction with the image findings.

Presented in fifteen organ-based chapters that highlight differentiation of disease on the basis of imaging patterns, Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging discusses the full spectrum of malignant and nonmalignant abdominal disorders. Each discussion begins with the most salient histologic, pathologic, and clinical features of the disorder under discussion. This is followed by a systematic review of the imaging features of the disease as seen by all modalities.

Unlike most radiology texts which are organized by pathology, Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging is organized by imaging appearance―mimicking real-world practice. The book guides you through the process of imaging-based diagnosis and stresses the epidemiological, clinical, and imaging features that allow the most accurate prediction of disease.


  • More than 2,300 images
  • Clear, concise guidelines for determining a diagnosis
  • Imaging Notes emphasize the critical features of imaging interpretation
  • Designed to simulate the routine daily analysis that leads to a diagnosis

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Mark Feaster:

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Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Microsoft Windows 8: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series) by Steven M. Freund, Raymond E. Enger, Corinne Hoisington

Microsoft Windows 8: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series) by Steven M. Freund, Raymond E. Enger, Corinne Hoisington

Microsoft Windows 8: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series)

Microsoft Windows 8: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series) by Steven M. Freund, Raymond E. Enger, Corinne Hoisington PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Introduce your students to the latest that Microsoft Office has to offer with the new generation of Shelly Cashman Series books! For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students. With Microsoft Windows 8: Essential, we're continuing our history of innovation by enhancing our proven pedagogy to reflect the learning styles of today's students. In this text you'll find features that are specifically designed to engage students, improve retention, and prepare them for future success. Our trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach now encourages students to expand their understanding of the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system through experimentation, exploration, and planning ahead.

From reader reviews:

Clarence Guyer:

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Read Microsoft Windows 8: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series) by Steven M. Freund, Raymond E. Enger, Corinne Hoisington for online ebook

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Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Preludes Complete: 24 Original Piano Solos in All Major and Minor Keys, Book & CD (Robert D. Vandall Classics)

Preludes Complete: 24 Original Piano Solos in All Major and Minor Keys, Book & CD (Robert D. Vandall Classics)

Preludes Complete: 24 Original Piano Solos in All Major and Minor Keys, Book & CD (Robert D. Vandall Classics)

Preludes Complete: 24 Original Piano Solos in All Major and Minor Keys, Book & CD (Robert D. Vandall Classics) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Originally conceived to commemorate the 300th anniversary of J. S. Bach, the Preludes of Robert D. Vandall have become a staple in the repertoire of progressing piano students. The set of 24 preludes, one in each of the major and minor keys, was recently completed with the addition of the final three preludes. Now, all the preludes have been combined into a complete edition with CD, recorded by Dr. Scott Price, Chair of the Piano Department at the University of South Carolina.

From reader reviews:

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Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Powerpak Collection Series: Leading As A Friend by John C. Maxwell

Powerpak Collection Series: Leading As A Friend by John C. Maxwell

Powerpak Collection Series: Leading As A Friend

Powerpak Collection Series: Leading As A Friend by John C. Maxwell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Imagine a school where the leaders in student government, academics, the arts, and sports brought out the best in themselves and their peers. Impossible?? Maybe not!

Tommy Nelson's new PowerPak series by John C. Maxwell adapts for ages 10 - 14 the leadership techniques from Maxwell's New York Times bestseller Developing the Leader within You.

In the PowerPak series, Maxwell gives a simple step-by-step plan for any young person to learn leadership skills before reaching high school or college. Topics covered include peer relationships, influence, priorities, integrity, problem solving, and self-discipline.

From reader reviews:

Johnny Cervantes:

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Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Personality Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective by Marta Vaciago Smith

Personality Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective by Marta Vaciago Smith

Personality Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Personality Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective by Marta Vaciago Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Personality Development is a comprehensive overview of infant observation and personality development. It starts at inter-utero life and goes through to adulthood, focusing on the emotional tasks involved at each stage of development and the interplay of internal processes and external circumstances.
Contents include:
* intra-uterine life and the experience of birth
* babyhood: becoming a person in the family
* the toddler and the wider world
* the latency period.
Using clinical and observational material, it will be of interest to those teaching personality development courses, as well as mental health and child care professionals.

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