Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations

Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations

Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations

Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Student Engagement in Higher Education fills a longstanding void in the higher education and student affairs literature. In the fully revised and updated edition of this important volume, the editors and chapter contributors explore how diverse populations of students experience college differently and encounter group-specific barriers to success. Informed by relevant theories, each chapter focuses on engaging a different student population, including: low-income students, students of color, international students, students with disabilities, LGBT students, religious minority students, student-athletes, homeless students, transfer students, commuter and part-time students, adult learners, student veterans, and graduate students. The forward-thinking, practical strategies offered throughout the book are based on research and the collected professional wisdom of experienced educators and scholars at two-year and four-year institutions of higher education. Current and future faculty, administrators, and student affairs staff will undoubtedly find this book complete with fresh ideas to reverse troubling engagement trends among various college student populations.

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