Kamis, 23 April 2015

PDF⋙ Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel (Library of Christian Classics) by Martin Luther

Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel (Library of Christian Classics) by Martin Luther

Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel (Library of Christian Classics)

Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel (Library of Christian Classics) by Martin Luther PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Martin Luther is often thought of as a world-shaking figure who defied papacy and empire to introduce a reformation in the teaching, worship, organization, and life of the Church. Sometimes it is forgotten that he was also a pastor and shepherd of souls. Collected in this volume are Luther's letters of spiritual counsel, which he offered to his contemporaries in the midst of sickness, death, persecution, imprisonment, famine, and political instability. For Luther, spiritual counsel was about establishing, nurturing, and strengthening faith. Freshly translated from the original German and Latin, the letters shed light on the fascinating relationship between his pastoral counsel and his theology. Theodore G. Tappert taught Church History at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also translated Pia Desideria by Philip Jacob Spener and The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

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