Knock Knock Why You're So Awesome Fill-In-The-Love Book (Fill-in-the-Blank Journal) by Knock Knock
Knock Knock Why You're So Awesome Fill-In-The-Love Book (Fill-in-the-Blank Journal) by Knock Knock PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This little book contains fill-in-the-blank lines to describe some aspect of awesomeness about a friend, sibling, or significant other. Just complete each line and voilà: you have a uniquely personal gift an awesome type will read again and again. Make it as fun, funny, or far-out as you choose!- If you are wondering how to cheer someone up, the answer's right here
- Look no further for boyfriend gift ideas this will please even the pickiest of paramours
- Hardcover with removable clear plastic jacket; 4.5 × 3.25 inches; 112 pages
- Spread the love
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