Transgender: Fact or Fetish - Reality or Delusion? by Felix Conrad
Transgender: Fact or Fetish - Reality or Delusion? by Felix Conrad PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
“Quite frankly, my research on autogynephilia was biased.” This astonishing admission from trans-advocate, Felix Conrad, is prompted by an e-mail from a young reader who has fallen into clinical depression because she believes she is not transgender, but has ‘a fetish." Chasing down his own secret fears of fetishism and delusion, Felix Conrad decides to throw politics to the wind and launch the world’s first objective analysis of the two most common alternative transgender narratives - firstly, that the condition is an outgrowth of a paraphilia, and secondly that it is a delusion. His incredible findings – drawn from diverse disciplines such as evolutionary biology, linguistics and ethology – usher in a new era of understanding complex subjects such as the self as an erotic target, hybrid gender identities, and the biological dynamics which underpin the need to transition. This compelling narrative – both personal and scientific – will have you wondering if Felix Conrad is trying not just to save his young reader, but also himself.From reader reviews:
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