One-Minute Apologist by Dave Armstrong
One-Minute Apologist by Dave Armstrong PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
If you're looking for solid Catholic answers to common Protestant challenges, but don't have lots of time, then reach for The One-Minute Apologist.
Here renowned Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong (author of A Biblical Defense of Catholicism and The Catholic Verses) has assembled over sixty of the claims and arguments that Protestants (of all stripes) most frequently level against the Church. Drawing on a lifetime of study in Scripture, history, and the works of Catholic and Protestant theologians he delivers the essential Catholic replies to each claim, packaged for you in a compact and uniquely usable format.
And since he's a convert from Evangelicalism, Armstrong presents these anti-Catholic claims with an insider's accuracy using the special terms, references, and follow-up arguments that you're mostly likely to hear in real-world encounters and responds to them in a way Protestants can understand and appreciate.
The One-Minute Apologist is concise, but never superficial. It cites or quotes more than a thousand Scripture verses, along with the words of scores of saints and scholars including many respected Protestant sources. Packing centuries of learning and wisdom into just a few tightly structured pages, The One-Minute Apologist decisively refutes common Protestant claims such as:
More accessible than thick theological tomes, more substantial than tracts, and better organized than other quick answer books, The One-Minute Apologist is the one source you ll find yourself turning to whenever you have the need to defend the Catholic Faith quickly, credibly, and well.
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