John Muir Trail Map-Pack: Shaded Relief Topo Maps (Tom Harrison Maps) by Tom Harrison
John Muir Trail Map-Pack: Shaded Relief Topo Maps (Tom Harrison Maps) by Tom Harrison PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Shaded Relief Topo Maps packet of the famous Sierra High Route that will take hikers from Mount Whitney to Yosemite, CA. Well marked trails over USGS topo maps that were beautifully enhanced with shaded relief to better distinguish details. Scale 1:630360. 1 inch on map equals 1 mile. Whitney Portal, Symmes Creek, Onion Valley, Oak Creek, Taboose Creek, North and South Lakes, Vermilion, Bear Creek, Florence Lake, Pine Creek, Mono Pass, McGee Creek, Devils Postpile, Mammoth Lakes, Agnew Meadows, Silver Lake, Tuolomne Meadows, and finally the Yosemite Valley. GPS Compatible! - Complete UTM Grid.From reader reviews:
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