Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Re-thinking Gregory of Nyssa

Re-thinking Gregory of Nyssa

Re-thinking Gregory of Nyssa

Re-thinking Gregory of Nyssa PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The thought of Gregory of Nyssa, the youngest of the fourth-cenrtury 'Cappadocian' Fathers, is currently at the centre of a number of important theological debates. This collection of specially commissioned essays calls the long-accepted interpretation of Gregory's trinitarianism into radical question.

  • Gregory of Nyssa, the youngest of the fourth-century 'Cappadocian' Fathers, is currently at the centre of a number of important theological debates.

  • Calls the long-accepted interpretation of Gregory's trinitarianism into radical question.

  • Urges a reading of his 'pedagogy of desire' that will cause a major reconsideration of his methods of trinitarian exposition.

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